Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Noun vs Verb

I some how missed this op-ed by Peggy Noonan.

I'm not sure exactly where I fall in her categories. I can be ardently interventionist, particularly on matters of the Responsibility to Protect. However, I don't believe that democracy can be imposed, and even if it could be, that we have a right to do so. I believe we have a responsibility to help our fellow humans, but that duty is usually best fulfilled by helping them help themselves.

Some instances, such as humanitarian crisis, or genocide, require direct action and aid. Others, such as combating dictatorship or lack of civil or economic liberties, does not necessarily require such active intervention. Sanctions, perhaps, or diplomatic repercussions (bilateral, multilateral or international (UN)), as well as support of dissidents and activists, are important. Especially diplomatic measures- what sort of signal does it sent that we say we support civil liberties and human rights, but then have normal relations with governments that suppress their own people? I'm not saying we should never work with China or Pakistan or Saudia Arabia- that would be naive, irresponsible, and possibly insane- but that doesn't mean that just because they are 'our' dictators we should give them a free pass.

I guess the best summary for my attitude is if we're going to talk the talk, we should walk the walk. And I sincerely hope we keep both talking and walking.

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